Catalyst Fire Extinguisher


What is a Catalyst Fire Extinguisher? Learn about innovative new firefighting technology. Moreover, our education white papers will bring you up to date on the latest firefighting techniques. In fact they are designed to keep you safe from fire.

Learn about Catalyst Fire Extinguisher Technology

Primarily, a Catalyst Fire Extinguisher will extinguish any fire. That is all fire classes and subclasses including Nuclear. In fact, all classes A through K. Furthermore, no water based fire fighting product is capable of extinguishing all classes of fire.

And, you will learn how to use this catalyst fire extinguisher to keep yourself and your family safe from fire. Moreover, with FireStopper®‘s Catalyst Fire Extinguisher you will never need to fear fire again!

Furthermore, firefighters are more likely to get cancer. Because of their long exposure time to carcinogenic toxins on the fire ground. However, FireStopper® can reduce firefighters toxic exposure time. Finally, there is a solution to keep our firefighters safe.

To conclude, learn as much as you can about a Catalyst Fire Extinguisher. In addition, learn how a catalyst can change the properties of the burning materials. And make them nonflammable. Without a doubt, that is amazing! Hence, if one were to try to relight the materials they would fail!

Consequently, please take the time to read about our technology. Then watch our videos. Our videos prove our claims and our certifications. That FireStopper® is the World’s greatest life and planet saving discovery of the 21st century.

Finally, test the product yourself. And you will discover how easy a catalyst fire extinguisher is to use. And how confidently you can extinguish fire. Firstly, it knocks out the heat. For example, a fire burning at 1800 degrees will reach ambient temperature in less than 40 seconds. And as quickly as it knocks down the heat, it will knock out the fire! Amazing!

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