FireStopper® Stops Fires Quicker And Safer

What is FireStopper®?

FireStopper® stops  car fires, chemical fires, electrical fires, forest fires, home fires, lithium-ion fires, and kitchen fires. FireStopper® is a fluorine free foam. It is a certified green fire fighting foam.

It is a non-toxic firefighting foaming catalyst. Uniquely it will stop all classes and subclasses of fire including Nuclear related materials. (ABCDK).

More importantly, it has no Fluorine. It has the fastest knockout. Therefore, it has the lowest cost per use in the industry. 

This is proven technology. It is a catalyst that disarms a fire catalyst. In other words, it does not smother the oxygen. Primarily, whatever it touches, it extinguishes and will not re-light!

FireStopper® stops fires. 

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Go Green!

Remember. FireStopper® Stops Fires! Stop Fire With FireStopper®. It stops forest fires, car fires, home fires, chemical fires, electrical fires, lithium-ion fires, and kitchen fires. FireStopper® is a fluorine free foam. It is a certified green fire fighting foam.


Firefighters have a 14% higher rate of cancer. Primarily due to over-exposure to carcinogenic smoke and toxins. Sadly, when a firefighter dies, 70% die from cancer.

We want to change this by significantly reducing one’s toxic exposure time. 

Additionally, there is no clean-up necessary. Since our products are non-toxic, they can enter storm drains. When the waste reaches the treatment plant, it can be safely separated. This process keeps the community safe from polluted drinking water.

FireStopper® products are the “solution for the pollution.” 

Our goal is to reduce line of duty deaths and cancer rates. 

Besides having non-toxic certifications, FireStopper® also has a medical Certification. 

Most firefighting foams cause severe eye injury. And Our foam will not cause eye injuries.

Surprisingly it can be used to treat skin burns relieving the pain and promoting healing.

Recent tests for toxins did not kill the fish. This product is safe in fresh or ocean waterways.

FireStopper® is Biodegradable

It will biodegrade. Additionally, it biodegrades smoke. One will notice the white smoke replace the dark smoke. This white smoke is a cool vapor. Since it biodegrades, the dark smoke disappears. 

Equally important, FireStopper® biodegrades oil. The bacteria eat the toxic oils. Their waste returns nutrient-rich byproducts to the environment. 

Therefore, when FireStopper® is used to extinguish forest fires, it promotes reforestation. 

Superior Temperature Reduction

Another feature is temperature reduction. As a result, fire temperatures are reduced from <1800° to 134° in less than 40 seconds. This will prevent a thermal runaway.

Knocking down the fire ground temperatures keeps our firefighters safe.

Stop Fire With FireStopper®

You have one job, extinguish the fire. The best tool is FireStopper®.

One job, one product, FireStopper®

Click Here to Learn How to Stop Fire

“Today one cannot rely on third parties to protect your life or property from the perils inherent in Technology”

FireStopper® has achieved the highest certifications in the world! FireStopper Knocks Out Fires Fires Quicker And Safer.