- Certified Green Fire Fighting Foam – EPA 1633 Certified
- Non toxic, Non Corrosive, Biodegradable.
- Extinguishes All Classes of Fire Faster and Safer.
- Reduces Toxic Exposure Times.
- Certified UL162.
- No Re-kindling, No Call Backs, No Clean up.
- Lowest Cost Per Use in the Industry.
- Watch our Videos.
- Choose Which Product Works Best for You.
- To Order Call Toll Free – 1-877-345-3156
What is FireStopper®?
FireStopper® is a non-toxic firefighting foam. And, will extinguish all classes of fire (ABCDK). Above all, it has no Fluorine. It has the fastest knockout. Therefore, it has the lowest cost per use in the industry. Above all, this is the newest technology. It is a catalyst that disarms a fire catalyst. In other words, it does not smother the oxygen. Primarily, whatever it touches it extinguishes and will not re-light! Check out our education papers and videos.
Firefighters have a 14% higher rate of cancer. This is due to the long time spent breathing toxic smoke. Above all, when a firefighter dies, 70% die from cancer.
FireStopper® wants to change this. Using FireStopper® can greatly reduce one’s toxic exposure time. And, there is no clean up necessary. Since this is a non-toxic Firefighting Foam, it can enter storm drains. When the waste reaches the treatment plant it can be safely separated. This process keeps the community safe from polluted drinking water.
FireStopper® products are the “solution for the pollution”.
Our goal is to reduce line of duty deaths and cancer rates.
Besides having non-toxic certifications, FireStopper® also has a medical certification.
Most firefighting foams cause severe eye injury. Our foam will not cause eye or injuries. In fact, it can be used to treat skin burns. It relieves the pain and aids the healing. Recent tests for toxins did not kill the fish. The fish lived! This product is safe in fresh or ocean waterways.
FireStopper® will biodegrade. It biodegrades smoke. One will notice white smoke replace the dark smoke. This white smoke is a cool vapor. Since it biodegrades, the dark smoke disappears. It also biodegrades oil. The bacteria eat the toxic oils. Their waste returns a nutrient-rich byproduct to the environment. Therefore, when FireStopper® is used to extinguish forest fires it promotes reforestation. Also, no need to clean your PPE.
Temperature Reduction
Another feature is temperature reduction. Fire temperatures are reduced from 1800° to 134° in less than 40 seconds. Knocking down the fireground temperatures keeps our firefighters safe.